Happy 15th Birthday, Google!

Google celebrated it’s 15th birthday with a pinata game as their Google Doodle of the day.  Their impact on society and the world is undeniable.  To google has become a verb.  More than one billion Google searches are performed each day.  Google has acquired over 100 companies and has over 100 different products. Google revenue is $50 billion per year, mostly due to ads and ironically their unofficial slogan is “Don’t be evil”.  

Gmail, Chrome and YouTube are popular Google products that you are probably aware of and may use.  What you may not know…  Following last months topic, Google will be joining the Open edX platform at mooc.org.  Google for Entrepreneurs is a place to find resources and help for businesses.   It includes a place to get Oregon businesses online including a website with a customized domain.   Google has added compare to their search engine algorithms, however it is finicky at this point. It works when you add the words compare or vs to your search terms.  For example, Seattle Space Needle vs. Empire State Building.  If you add “the” to before empire, it won’t work (the ficklness).Google’s sense of humor is made apparent in their Easter eggs and April fool’s jokes.  Into a Google search engine type askew, recursion, do a barrel roll, answer to life the universe and everything, once in a blue moon or anagram.  Into Google images, type atari breakout.

Google is continually in technology news for various products and services.  To keep up on Google follow their official blog.

Categories: Google

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