Schedule of Live Online Classes

Live online-classes work like real like in-person classes in the sense that there is a specific location, as well as a specific date and time that you attend class. Instead of going to a physical place, we go to a digital classroom where I will teach in-real time.  Be to share with your friends across the country.  You can even take the class together!

Cut the Cable – March 31st and April 2nd from 9:30 am to 10:30 (Pacific Time), $14 – Is your cable bill outrageous? Learn how to cut the cable, but still be able to watch most of your shows for less money. 

The Cloud: Apple’s iCloud  – April 1st from 9:30 am to 10:30 (Pacific Time), $7 – Everyone keeps talking about “The Cloud”, but what is it and how do you get on it? Learn what “The Cloud” is and how to store or not store your information up there. In this class, we will be specifically focusing on Apple’s iCloud. 

The Cloud: Android’s Google Account – April 1st from 11:30 am to 12:30 (Pacific Time), $7 – Everyone keeps talking about “The Cloud”, but what is it and how do you get on it? Learn what “The Cloud” is and how to store or not store your information up there. In this class, we will be specifically focusing on Android’s Google Account. 

Organizing Your Digital Life – April 7th and 9th from 9:30 am (Pacific Time), $14 – Are digital photos and files taking over your computer? Can’t find anything on your computer? We will show you how to use the file management program on your computer to create, delete and rename files and folders and, of course, we will back it all up.  

Video Chat – April 8th from 9:30 am (Pacific Time), $7 – Do you want to video chat with your family and friends? We explain how to do it and have you practice with a partner. 

Classes will be limited to the first 14 people that sign up. You will need a computer with the internet and speakers to attend the class. These are live online classes, so please feel free to share with your friends across the state and country.   

If you have questions, please email me at

How It Works

When researching different options to do these classes, my primary purpose was to mimic the in-person classroom environment as much as possible. I wanted whiteboard and screen share options, and I wanted you to be able to participate. I will be using a program called Newrow to offer live online classes. 

To sign up for a class, you can go to my website and sign up or if you are not comfortable doing that, you can call me at (503) 567-8402. You will need an email account that you can access to attend class.

When you register, I will send you an email with instructions and classroom expectations.  The day before class, I will send you a reminder about the class. Then 30 minutes before class, I will send you an email with the instructions, handouts, and a link.  You will click on the link, which will open the classroom.

Since this is new to many of you, I will be hosting practice sessions, so those that register can test things out before the actual class. When you register, you will receive an email with those dates and times.

Categories: Announcements

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