Day 24 – E-Verify for Employers and Employees

I have been away for awhile, but I have been writing posts when possible.  So, we are going to continue where we left off.

I am currently enrolled in a Payroll class at the local community college.  I will be posting interesting tidbits from the class as they are relevant to technology.

If you hire employees, then you must have an I-9 on file for each one.  The I-9 is a form that verifies that the person you are hiring has the right to work in the United States.  The form requires two pieces of identification and has lengthy instructions.  

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has created a website to allow employers to check the information on the I-9 against their systems, called E-Verify.  Please note, E-Verify does NOT replace the I-9, but acts in conjunction with it. There is also a self check system that employees can use. 

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